Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Casino Experience

I don’t feel like going out but anyhow it didn’t give me any feeling of remorse. Uhm... That was fine... I didn’t spend a single penny for an eat all you can and went home early. Annoyance haven’t had the chance and just let me pass this time.

It was a new and different experience for me and I hope that I’ll have more for this year. I know it was like just dropping by, more of a glance than by hands on experience. But it was as if a promising steps towards a future of exciting mixture of adventures. Recreations.

One of the things I have enjoyed are the stories of own life experiences. I will always love hearing stories, even back in my younger years. I enjoy being just a listener. There's this feeling of comfort from stories being told by elders.

The Casino
It’s actually all about having dinner. But just beside the dining area you'll find the casino. There's really nothing very grand. There are a lot of slot machines and other tables I don’t know how to call. It’s not like the size you'll find in televisions though.

I remember I almost not allowed inside. I was asked of my age.

The food.
All tables wee reserved. P300 per head but it was a treat so I didn’t pay. I can't tell if it’s already what you call a fine dine. I'm itching to take a picture of my food but was of course cautious of etiquette. It was like a catering service but is quite self service. I like the food but there's something in the atmosphere that lessened my appetite. The mood of the surrounding? Dim and uninviting for food. I like the fried rice and spaghetti. Maybe if there’s a brighter motif or let's say’s like those food where found in the house, I’ll eat like it’s my last day.

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