Monday, April 7, 2014

When you’re Sad, Buy Yourself a Flower

Rose in black plastic

I was going to buy a new watch, yet again hesitated. I was telling myself slow down from spending in the mean time. Unfortunately on my way home, I found a display of flowering plants. It was the white roses that captured me; those blossoms suggest hope pushed above those thorns beneath. There is tranquility, innocence and pleasant feeling. Even so, I chose the yellow one for friendship and for its sentimental value.

I only received a rose once, and I can’t even remember what color it is. This age I had now, I doubt if I would still appreciate receiving such thing. It’s the sincerity, uniqueness and effort that make a difference. My other memory of roses was during my high school days in our tambayan. I was sometimes naughty to pluck some of it. It was my curiosity why the plant grew well nourished despite being placed in a concrete container.

Until now, I still ask myself why I bought this. I'm not really fond of ornamental plants but would prefer having rose than cactus. I want it in my room. I realize. I wonder if it can survive without a direct sunlight though. I even imagine myself in a reading chair in a mini balcony around the second floor. But I can’t picture the place. I’m yet to find.

Find a pet and here it is. Silent and will always be understanding. Because it has no choice :slap: And again, I wish there is a grill in the window that can hold such plant so I wouldn't have a problem finding a place for it.

It costs around Php100. Do you think it’s expensive?

Yellow Roses

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