Monday, May 19, 2014

Red Dawn (Movie Review)

Red Dawn (Movie Review)

-Child friendly

It's a cool movie for me and I happened to like it before its unsatisfying end. I watched it with a subtitle anyway. As usual, the supporting actor died like some old action stories. I wonder if Matt suits as a replacement to his brother. He doesn’t seem a leader material and he doesn't exude a charm for me. Somehow this is too mild for a war and it's somehow unrealistic. I picture a war to be brutal especially in this millennium. Peeta, from the movie “Hunger Games”, is one of the casts here.

I just have some questions:
1. What happened to the shop owner after the incident where they save her?
2. How efficient enough for Matt to become the next trainer/leader?
3. Why didn't they just removed the tracker in the guy's body so they won't end up leaving someone behind, is that what team does? Why didn't they ask for some medical help or say like they kidnapped some doctor especially that they have killed the magistrate already?
4. How did one of those marine soldier died? I haven't seen a gun shot.

I wish that there's a cleverer and unique way of ending this story. The war isn't even over yet.

Quotes from Red Dawn:
-The team has to got to come first

-I hate these kids. Hate 'em

-Don't worry about it. Marines don't die. They just go to hell and regroup.

-Tanner, cover me!

-We've all lost something, Matt

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