Friday, August 29, 2014

I Didn't Realize that in Facebook

My new activity gives me shorter time in blogging.

I love it when i'm able to think of possibilities. I also should apply this in real life. "Idea is life changing" said Jim Rohn. This self brainstorm however is so time consuming.

I'm happy to find solutions even if I am taking it in a turtle pace. At least somehow it's original and my personal approach in problem solving. My brain works!


Blue Border in Facebook comments

Since I start over thinking, just now I noticed that whenever there is new notification in facebook, there is a blue color in the side of new comments. Facebook is really that brilliant. This made me realize that there are other things that you can see clearly and is present if you focus enough or if you pay attention even in simple things. On the other hand, this just states how narrow minded I can be in some cases and in the past. Positive and negative but it depends on how people view everything.

I need more time. This activity is taking most of my vacant time....

Oh yeah perhaps you knew this already, I'm just not using facebook that much now, I've been in hiatus there for 2 years whew...

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